Neil Gaiman
Hi there! And welcome to my blog My Life In Books. I started this blog because I have always loved reading, but I don’t have a lot of people in my life that I can talk about book things who won’t roll their eyes at me every two minutes (apparently they don't think it's normal/acceptable to have an emotional breakdown over a fictional characters death). I have also been watching a lot of booktube recently, as well as reading book blogs, and although I did toy with the idea of starting a booktube channel, I didn’t feel quite confident enough to do that yet!
This blog will be a mix of reviews, hauls, tags and challenges etc, that I hope you will enjoy. There may occasionally end up being a few personal posts in here but for the most part it will be a book blog.
I guess I should probably tell you a bit more about myself… My name is Amy, I live in Manchester England, I am 21 and have recently graduated from university. I currently don’t have a job, but I am in serious need of one, to fund my book buying habit if nothing else! I would love to teach someday so hopefully that dream will come true.
If you made it to the end of this post then thank you! I think my next post will probably be up in the next few days, and will be a discussion about reading.
Thanks for reading :)